Saturday, March 15, 2008


Take a walk into the fields and watch a bird at work, building its nest. It is such a pretty sight. The bird travels far, picks a piece of straw in its beak, and darts back to the building site, tack the straw in the right place and off it goes again. There is a splendid display of purpose, drive, will, tact and planning. Learn from these little creatures, and you can be successful in saving towards your dearest goals. You will be an expert in building an egg nest for your future.
A lot of people find it difficult to save because they lack a sense of purpose for the money they want to amass. I suppose you know the sort of situation you can get yourself into when you re bored at home and get out of your house to go for a walk, without an exact place in mind you want to go to. You might even get lost, with such lack of direction and destination. Sadly, most people who claim to be purposeful cannot tell you the definitive reasons why they are trying to save.
You can enhance your ability to save if you start by actually enlisting your purpose or purposes for saving, and proceed further to attach to each purpose specific goals. Goals serve as landmarks in your journey towards the purpose.
In order to set a realistic purpose it is crucial that you carry out a detailed assessment of the resources you presently, have and find out the extra resources you will need to realize your purpose and its associated goals. The birds can really teach you to save. It becomes a lot easier once you establish a clear sense of purpose.
Time is of great essence when considering savings. The time for action is now; you must start now. You might already have an investment; the earlier you begin reviewing it the greater chances are that you will uncover any flaws and hopefully, rectify them before things really get out of hand. Remember the adages: A stitch in time saves nine , and Make hay while the sun shines . Believe it or not, time is the greatest enemy of mankind and has to be utilised resourcefully.
State pension and national insurance schemes have been in shambles for a long time, and numerous occupational pension schemes are running deficits. You should be clear about the sort of retirement you want to experience. Would you like to maintain the same lifestyle you are enjoying now or even improve on it during retirement? Needless to say you must make allowance for the fact that sicknesses are rampant amongst the aged and that you may need to contribute massively towards care. You may have to commence saving towards personal pension to top up shortcomings in state and occupational pension.
Failing this, you may have to continue working during retirement, retire a lot later than you should, or live a life much below the standard you anticipate when you retire. I ll entreat you to give due attention to you in the future, perhaps even more than you give to you now, the reason being you are a lot stronger now than you will be then.
Everything, including savings can be achieved if you put your mind to it. Consider the size of ants and the gigantic hills they erect, and believe that you can save towards any purposes and goals. Why do you have to wait till the morrow? Start now, take your own future in your hands and make it brighter.
David Opoku BA Accounting and Finance. (Currently specialising in Financial Advising/Stockbroking in a leading Financial Services company).
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